ABOUT THE BEE FARMER inspired by nature, driven by quality

So What’s To Know?…
In my twenties I decided I was not doing anything with my down time so I cast about for a short course on something practical. In Didsbury, Manchester was an establishment called the Worker’s Education Association [WEA]. It was housed in a run down but formally a very grand country house. Disbury was in the countryside in the 1820s. Now it is is firmly in the Manchester conurbation. For no reason what so ever I decided upon a course in bee keeping would be the very thing to do over the winter months.
The course was on the Tuesday evening from October to April. I was to discover this was neatly arranged for the end of the course to coincide with the start of the bee keeping year. I passed the course and bees have been in my life for more than thirty years. I have kept bees in lots of places; on a golf course in Sale, in the garden of my old house in Gorton, at my allotment in Levenshulme and latterly, following a move the Leicestershire, on farms in Leicestershire and again at my allotment in Derbyshire.
Redundancy in 2013 afforded me the opportunity to make bee keeping my profession. The dream was realised in early 2014 with taking on half a bee-keeping business. I put the plans I had been daydreaming and honing over the past few years into action. The spring honey crop is in and the honey can be extracted in my newly fitted out Honey extraction room. The website has been revamped and I have new style labels for my jars. At the same time I continue to give talks to people interested in bees. New in 2017 is a foundation course for beekeeping run by yours truely.
I like to think I am an advocate for bees. I have given a talks to the local Women’s Institute and the allotment association. I have been interviewed on BBC radio and facilitated a shoot for Coutryfile. I am a member of the BBKA [British Bee Keepers Association] and the BFA [Bee Farmer’s Association].

Mad About Bees?
If you would like to have bees on your land or would like a talk given to your group you can contact me by email at info@thebeefarmer.co.uk or by phone on 078 0798 4506.
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