Spring 2016 Wednesday 22nd June, 2016
The weeds in the Bee Garden have finally shown themselves so it time to take action. However the torrential down pours have made the tracks impassible and water level in the brook has been a concern. The lower margin of the Bee Garden was under water. Just as well it happened before the bees were installed. Note to self....place the bees higher up the garden!
You too can help by clicking HERE to make a small donation or email me if you have a service you would be happy to donate. I am about to purchase seed and any help would be appreciated. I do not have a reward for your generosity,as yet, but I will.

I have been working in the Fens for most of May. All I can say is that is very flat out there and bloomin' cold.

I have had a lot of calls about bees in folks houses. Upon investigation the bees have turned out to be Tree Bumblebees or one of the many species of solitary bee. Nothing much I can do about them. I have picked up a few good honeybee swarms. The adjacent picture was taken on a wet afternoon in a back garden of a house on a new build estate. Believe it or not bees can manage a bit of inclement weather. Here they are clustering under the seat of a child's swing. The outer bees are shedding the rain like so many slates on the roof.
It was a doddle to collect this swarm. I just put a nuc under the swarm and gave the swing a good rap. The bees plopped into the nuc and because they were a bit cold they took time to recover their composure and by then I had the frames in and the lids on. I transferred them to a National hive and put a feeder on. The weather remained inclement so they settled in to their new warm dry home.

I have also had the pleasure of a number of folks taking up experience days. The fine body of folk in the adjacent picture are the chefs from Opus Restaurant in Birmingham. They came to see what honeybees are all about and to discover what it takes to make an ingredient for their recipes. By all accounts they had a great day out. Click HERE to read what they though of the experience. If you fancy a corporate day or just a day out for yourself drop me a line HERE
Just in case that is not enough here are a few of the other things I have been up to:
Searching out and securing new apiaries
Catching swarms
Doing my VAT return
Raising queens
Ordering jars & bottling honey
Making lip balm
Finding and now bought a new marquee for the summer's shows
Setting up a "model apiary"
Making frames
Bee-proofing the workshop
Rendering wax
Refitting my office
Looking after the bees!
Oh and taking time to sip a little red wine and spend time with my family and friends.