Austrey Gardening Society
Posted on 12th February 2016 at 13:39
The evening of 12th February was pitch black out in the lanes running from Appleby Magna to Austrey. The stars where just veiled by thin clouds. The headlights on Degsy, my trusty 1981 Land Rover, were lighting the sunken lanes with milky white light.
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The evening of 12th February was pitch black out in the lanes running from Appleby Magna to Austrey. The stars where just veiled by thin clouds. The headlights on Degsy, my trusty 1981 Land Rover, were lighting the sunken lanes with milky white light. We bumped and tattled past the massive skeleton of the radio tower on the hill above Austrey. We were just about there. It was easy to find the Village is in the village. [NB sometimes they are on the outskirts of a village especially the newly built halls.]
As I stood by Degsy under the dim street lamps Jane, The Chairman, met me. "You must be David" said Jane. "I am the one we have writing too all this while. I recognise you from the logo on your van". The hall was just in the process of being opened up for the evening. lights on, heaters running, raffle and chairs being set up. I made myself busy setting up my screen, projector and goodies for sale. Very soon well wrapped up people were pouring in the door, cold drafts and warm welcomes.
Presently the chairs in front of me filled and the hub bub died away as the Chairman rose to her feet. With a few words of welcome and introduction and we were off. Well nearly. The hall lights were adjusted for the pleasure of the viewers then we were really off. Sixty one minutes of information and anecdotes and we had arrived at the Q&A session. Questions asked and answers voiced gave way to a closing address by the chairman and the offer of tea and biscuits. The members of the Society were keen to try my wares. Honey taken in jars large and small for the keen and the soon to be converted. Probing conversations about the relative merits of Turpentine as a polish rather the modern synthetic version. Much interest in Spoon Butter. Suitably intrigued the pile of spoon butter tins depleted. The cold weather was just the nudge to see the lip balms to be snapped up. I just about managed see scoff the three fruit shortcakes and guzzle my tea between sales enquiries. To finish the evening, back out into the cold, a number of Society member helped to reload Degsy. All in all a very pleasant way to spend an evening.
A few days later I receive an email from Jane the Chair:
"Just writing to thank you for a most enjoyable evening last Friday, and what a good turnout you got!!
Even though we all see honeybees around the flowers in our gardens I think we all tend to take them for granted and it's good for us to be reminded how amazing they actually are."
Drop me a line if you would like the Bee Farmer to give a talk to your group at
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