Results of Queen Naming Competition 2020
Posted on 2nd January 2021 at 11:30
Alison, a Bee Farmer supporter and friend, knitted some worker bees. Alison then thought the colony should have a Queen, however the queen does not have a name. I ran a competition to name the Queen bee. Here are the results
The entries were (in order of receipt)
Beeyonce the beeootylicious queen bee! And she’s clearly Destiny’s child!
Sarah & family
Betty, Queenie or Bee-dicca
Tae & family
Aston - Hera (The Queen of Olympic!)
Ruby - Mya
Tae - Delores
Tracey (a lot of thought went into this entry)
(Feminine of the greek name Dorotheos meaning 'gift of God'. Can be shortened to Thea. Also, the name of a new Taylor Swift song, with a lyric stating 'you're a queen, selling dreams', about a woman who goes back to her hometown after making it famous in LA)
Drum roll please ....................................................... and the winner is :

And the winner is :
Sarah & family with Bee-dicca
Congratulations !!
It was smashing to see the thought that had gone into all the submissions. Thank you for taking part.
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